Your assignments are piling up, deadlines are looming, and the hits keep coming. You go into "grind mode" and keep pushing through everything: through lunch, through dinner, through off-the-clock hours...everything. You desperately need a break but it's clearly impossible given everything you have to finish, right? Wrong.
I. Am. There. In Day-Job Land, I just finished one crazy deadline only to have it followed by a crazier one. In Freelance World, I'm preparing for my second craft fair booth ever. (The first one was two years ago so, much like the first time, I have no clue what I'm doing.) Then there's Bride-to-Be Mode, where all I want to do is book a wedding venue by January. (Luckily the big day is in 2018. There's no way I could plan it all in a year.) And let's not forget about Personal Life: starting the house-hunting process since our lease is up in April; barely managing to make it to a yoga class once a week; and of course, preparing for Thanksgiving which is, you know, THURSDAY.
I've been struggling to find the time and energy to write a meaningful, lettering-related post for today. I'm finally just allowing myself to use this platform to vent. And let me tell you, it helps.
There is no better time to take a break from life than when you think that time is non-existent. That is when you need to relax the most. The work will get done eventually — it is not the end of the world. It's much better to go back to it once you're refreshed and energized rather than fighting to maintain the focus and energy needed to see it through to completion.
So if you need permission from anyone to just let go, here it is: Stop working. Take a break. It will be okay.