This year, I took part in a local wrapping paper design contest through Worth Higgins & Associates. The theme was "Winter Wanderland – Celebrating the Holiday Season around the Globe." (You can read more about my design here.) I created a pattern of postage stamps reflecting holiday traditions around the globe.
This was a bit of a design challenge because I wanted to incorporate lettering, but it still had to be legible at a small scale. So I took to the mighty internet and discovered a treasure trove of beautiful postage stamps from which I drew my inspiration.
Here are a few of my favorite discoveries. Enjoy!
(Notes about the image above: I love the dark green one of the partridge in a pear tree. There is a ton of stylized text, yet it's still easy to read. [I found this vintage set for sale on longer available!] )
These are two of my favorites. From the bold colors to the variety of details, they are incredibly decorative but utilize the small space well. (source unknown)
Gorgeous ornate design and I love how they used the value of the stamp as the focal point. (via Dfiles)
This elegant stamp is very well balanced. (via Collectors Club of Great Britain)